Maintenance and installation instructions
The ‘Maintenance and installation instructions’ of Volume Design OÜ is an annex and an integral part of the ‘Terms and conditions of the warranty’ of Volume Design OÜ. The ‘Maintenance and installation instructions’ provides information on and regulates the correct storage, installation, and maintenance of products manufactured by Volume Design OÜ. Correct compliance with the ‘Maintenance and installation instructions’ is a prerequisite for the validity of the warranty of products manufactured by Volume Design OÜ.
- Products manufactured by Volume Design OÜ may not be stored in packaging intended for transport, unless otherwise agreed in writing. It is not permitted to store products in packaging outdoors or in humid conditions.
- If it is necessary to store the products outdoors before installation, the products must be removed from the packaging.
- The products must not be stored on top of each other. When storing vertically, the markings on the front surfaces must be observed. During storage, only the front or back surfaces may be in direct contact with each other. Storing the products in a way where the front and back surfaces are in direct contact is not permitted.
- The products must not be stored in a way that may cause the product to deform.
- Volume Design OÜ is not responsible for damage and deformations caused during storage.
- The storer/installer/customer is responsible for the proper disposal of storage waste.
- Products of Volume Design OÜ may only be installed by an installation team approved and certified by Volume Design OÜ, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
- Volume Design OÜ is not responsible for deformations and damage caused by incorrect work methods during installation.
- Appropriate fasteners and connections must be used when installing the products. Electrical connections must be made with appropriate connections that have appropriate IP levels by suitably trained and qualified persons.
- During installation, the electrical diagrams and requirements of the product to be installed and the product markings must be observed. Volume Design OÜ is not responsible for damage caused by incorrect electrical connections.
- A manufacturing defect that has been discovered during installation must be immediately registered, photographed, and forwarded in writing to a representative of Volume Design OÜ.
- No customisation of the product or its components during installation is permitted, unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance.
- The installer/installation company is responsible for the proper disposal of waste generated during installation.
- Visual inspection of products manufactured by Volume Design OÜ must be performed at least once a year during the entire use of the product.
- Electrical connections must be checked regularly, but no less than once a year.
- Outdoor advertising must be cleaned of dirt and dust regularly, but no less than once a year.
- All maintenance procedures must be recorded and presented if and when necessary.
- The inside of outdoor advertisements must be cleaned of dirt and dust regularly, but no less than once every two years.
- Maintenance costs are borne by the buyer.
- The costs of repairing products destroyed or otherwise damaged during maintenance are borne by the performer of the work/customer.